Thursday, November 19, 2009

FTSOY: Agency & Accountability

"Wherefore, men...are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death" (2 Nephi 2:27).

Your Heavenly Father has given you agency, the ability to choose right from wrong and to act for yourself. You have been given the Holy Ghost to help you know good from evil. While you are here on earth, you are being proven to see if you will use your agency to show your love for God by keeping His commandments.

While you are free to choose for yourself, you are not free to choose the consequences of your actions. When you make a choice, you will receive the consequences of that choice. The consequences may not be immediate, but they will always follow, for good or bad. Wrong choices delay your progression and lead to heartache and misery. Right choices lead to happiness and eternal life. That is why it is so important for you to choose what is right throughout your life.

You are responsible for the choices you make. you should not blame your cirumstances, your family, or your friends if you choose to disobey God's commandments. You are a child of God with great strength. You have the ability to choose righteousness and happiness no matter what your cirumstances.

You are also responsible for developing the abilities and talents Heavenly Father has given you. You are accountable to Him for what you do with your abilities and how you spend your time. Do not idle away your time. Be willing to work hard. Choose to do many good things of your own free will.

Matthew 25:14-29 (scriptures at the end are also good reference points)

*Laura's thoughts and reflections*

I've come to learn that Heavenly Father gave us agency, the ability to choose for ourselves right or wrong things, in order for us to learn to always choose the right things that will help us return to heaven and to His presence in the life to come. However, agency isn't necessarily about good 24/7. With agency comes the ability to choose things or situations or what have you that can harm us, both physically, mentally, and spiritually. Another key role in this gift, is that of accountability and being responsible for our actions and choices, and being able to suffer the consequences whatever they may be, whether positive or negative ones.

Like it states above, we were placed here on this earth and given the gift of agency by Heavenly Father as sort of a test, to see whether or not we would be able to use it in order to choose good things that show the love we have for God by obeying His commandments. He did this for us so that we could be happy and not have our progression hindered by having to live through agony and dispair and unhappiness. Would you want to waste such a precious gift as that by making choices that hurt you and in turn make Him hurt? I wouldn't!

Accountability runs through the principle of agency like blood does through living beings, it goes hand in hand. We are accountable for every single thing we do, say, think, and believe. We are held accountable for how our time is spent, whether in idleness or in earnest hard work, and also in how we cultivate our many talents and abilities that we've been granted, in whether or not we develop them to their full maximum potential or whether or not we just don't act like we care. He made each and every single one of us in a unique image of Himself with individual talents, strengths/weaknesses, abilities, and circumstances that are apart of Him. By not wasting our time and talents, and instead working hard and developing the gifts we've been given, we are again using our agency to make the right choices and show God and Jesus Christ how much we love and care for them.

new idea

i haven't been particularily active in posting here, so i think i've figured out a good idea of something to do that will help me keep this more regular, and therefore more interesting.

the Church has a pamphelt aimed at youth, but can be used by members of any age, called For the Strength of Youth. it contains standards, or guidelines rather, that help us to make the right choices and live our lives in such a manner that will pave the way for us to receive many blessings, including being worthy to go to the temple. they also help us to make good decisions and choose the right things to do and in act that will enable us to return to our Heavenly Father.

so...i've decided that i will discuss each section or mini-chapter of this booklet every day, along with my thoughts on what it means to me, etc. this is going to be my little mini project for the next 3 weeks :) wish me luck!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Love of God

This talk by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf was...just...amazing. I've copied and pasted the first part of it here. Check out the link for the rest of it. It was so inspiring it made me cry!

The Love of God
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf Second Counselor in the First Presidency

Love is the measure of our faith, the inspiration for our obedience, and the true altitude of our discipleship.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is continually growing and becoming better known throughout the world. Although there will always be those who stereotype the Church and its members in a negative way, most people think of us as honest, helpful, and hardworking. Some have images of clean-cut missionaries, loving families, and friendly neighbors who don’t smoke or drink. We might also be known as a people who attend church every Sunday for three hours, in a place where everyone is a brother or a sister, where the children sing songs about streams that talk, trees that produce popcorn, and children who want to become sunbeams.

Brothers and sisters, of all the things we want to be known for, are there attributes above all others that should define us as members of His Church, even as disciples of Jesus Christ? Since our last general conference six months ago, I have pondered this and similar questions. Today I would like to share with you some thoughts and impressions that have come as a result of that inquiry. The first question is:

How Do We Become True Disciples of Jesus Christ?
The Savior Himself provided the answer with this profound declaration: “If ye love me, keep my commandments.”1 This is the essence of what it means to be a true disciple: those who receive Christ Jesus walk with Him.2

But this may present a problem for some because there are so many “shoulds” and “should nots” that merely keeping track of them can be a challenge. Sometimes, well-meaning amplifications of divine principles—many coming from uninspired sources—complicate matters further, diluting the purity of divine truth with man-made addenda. One person’s good idea—something that may work for him or her—takes root and becomes an expectation. And gradually, eternal principles can get lost within the labyrinth of “good ideas.”

This was one of the Savior’s criticisms of the religious “experts” of His day, whom He chastised for attending to the hundreds of minor details of the law while neglecting the weightier matters.3
So how do we stay aligned with these weightier matters? Is there a constant compass that can help us prioritize our lives, thoughts, and actions?

Once again the Savior revealed the way. When asked to name the greatest commandment, He did not hesitate. “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind,” He said. “This is the first and great commandment.”4 Coupled with the second great commandment—to love our neighbor as ourselves5—we have a compass that provides direction not only for our lives but also for the Lord’s Church on both sides of the veil.

Because love is the great commandment, it ought to be at the center of all and everything we do in our own family, in our Church callings, and in our livelihood. Love is the healing balm that repairs rifts in personal and family relationships. It is the bond that unites families, communities, and nations. Love is the power that initiates friendship, tolerance, civility, and respect. It is the source that overcomes divisiveness and hate. Love is the fire that warms our lives with unparalleled joy and divine hope. Love should be our walk and our talk.

When we truly understand what it means to love as Jesus Christ loves us, the confusion clears and our priorities align. Our walk as disciples of Christ becomes more joyful. Our lives take on new meaning. Our relationship with our Heavenly Father becomes more profound. Obedience becomes a joy rather than a burden.,5232,23-1-1117-7,00.html

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

i'm back!

i was a seriously busy little girl this summer and early fall! not that obvious by my severe lack of posting, isn't it? :P

life has changed quite a bit these past couple of months. i finally received my first calling in early September! i'm now a Primary teacher, where i'm co-teaching the Sunbeams class. they consist of our 3-4 year olds. so far, things have gone fairly well. one day when the other teacher wasn't there, and it was my first full lesson to teach, i almost had a of my Sunbeams was having a difficult time listening, following directions, etc. at one point, he grabbed ahold of the container of crayons, grabbed handfuls, and was throwing them up into the air and thereby hitting the ceiling as they were raining down!! but so far things have been going pretty well ever since then. i'm starting to really enjoy it. one of the lessons i'll be teaching very soon is on music!! YAY!!!!!!! that will be awesome. i'm already starting to make plans for it :)

the missionary who baptized me, elder henrie, was transferred out towards the end of august. the elders we have now are still elder cardenaz and now elder jensen. they are the most hilarious pair together! they've also worked to start a family home evening with us every monday night. it's a great thing to look forward to, especially when you have some difficult moments during the week. family home evening is a night each week that Latter-day Saint families spend together to grow in the Gospel and just enjoy spending time with one another. families can be loosely defined as is in our case here at college :P

lets see.....what else is new? classes are going ok so far. i'm really trying to stay on top of my grades and homework and everything so i can get a decent boost in GPA. i've had a few minor mess-ups in German, but that's nothing i can't make up if i keep up with my writing journal, grammer homework, and whatever other assignments she has us turn in, along with tests, etc.

my favorite uncle is getting close to passing away. he's terminal with cancer, and lately he's been having more and more issues. headaches have been becoming more and more frequently as of recent, and we should be getting news about whether or not his cancer has spread to his brain. preliminary findings show that it hasn't! i've been very worried about him a lot the past couple weeks, and i finally broke down and asked the elders when they called this past monday to confirm again the FHE time, if they could come just a little earlier as i wanted a blessing of comfort. it's unbelievable how much better i feel and how much my outlook on life has improved. that same night, i slept the best that i have in over a month! after FHE was over, i went back into the same little side parlor and sat into the chair that the elders had me in when they gave me a blessing, and just read my scriptures. it was like i was hungry to keep reading! most importantly, i've been able to feel the Spirit more consistantly ever since they blessed me. that hasn't happened for a while. i forgot how much of a precious companion the Holy Ghost is, and i can truly say that i've missed feeling its presence and influence beyond measure :)

another post to come later this afternoon/evening. i'm heading home after a JOB INTERVIEW!!! at 3:30 to clean the upstairs of the house at home in preparation for OOS (out of state) family flying in next week. also, general conference is this weekend!!! i'm hoping i can make it to the chapel to watch. if not, i know i also have the option to view it live online :)

Thursday, July 2, 2009


boy...this past week has been beyond stressful....hopefully things will calm down soon :)

as i'm typing this, it's half rainy and cold outside. i soon have to venture out and drive to the post office and get the mail :( i think today may be a good day to finish typing up my cleaning list and put in some elbow grease on cleaning my room. i'm hoping to get rid of a lot of stuff, mainly anything i haven't used in a year or less. with the stuff that i decide to get rid of or donate, i'm going to see what portion i can list online, and what doesn't sell fairly soon i'll donate.

i'm starting to miss being at college. not only for having my own space and not having to worry so much about my family fighting, but just being with my friends and everything. soon enough i'll go back though :)

i'll post some cute pictures later today. have a good thursday everyone!

Monday, June 22, 2009

the power of forgiveness

forgiveness...what an interesting thing. here's an interesting quote i found out of the manual the Relief Society (group for women in the church ages 18 and older), Teachings of Presidents of the Church - Joseph Smith on page 392:

"One of the most pleasing scenes that can occur on earth, when a sin has been committed by one person against another, is, to forgive that sin; and then according to the sublime and perfect pattern of the Savior, pray to our Father in heaven to forgive [the sinner] also" -originally found in A History of the Church 6:245

i've just been learning lately that not being able to forgive someone is/can be a form of sin, especially after the other person has repented of their issue and has begun/tried to make restitution. as i was reading through the lesson the RS went through on sunday during our meeting, a thought went through my mind that really had me think, and still is.

about early 2006, my next door neighbor peeked in our bathroom window one late evening when i was preparing to take my shower before bedtime. as i sat on our toliet seat taking my socks off before i got in, i looked over at the window and saw his face close to the screen...watching me. i screamed, slammed the window shut, and ran out crying to my mom. we called the police, etc..he was originally on house arrest as part of his sentence from a previous DUI charge in the next county over. however, his parole officer didn't even bother herself to come down to his house, and measure the different distances so his ankle bracelet could be programmed. that's how he was able to come onto our property and peek in on me in the bathroom. the window wasn't even open anymore than 4-5 inches!

ever since then, i've struggled a lot to even begin to forgive him for what he did to me. i'll still a little afraid to go into the bathroom late at night, or even early evening or any other time of day, and still push the window down shut, put a towel over the entire window and OVER the curtain, etc. sometimes i even have to step into the shower completely dressed, undress inside the shower and throw my clothes out by the edge of the tub...

so, that lesson yesterday in RS started making me think again about that. a sister also added to the conversation that she still has trouble forgiving her father for some things he does to her, etc. and it's still a struggle for her. that made me feel almost normal. i know this will be something i'll need to work on until i can forgive this neighbor, and after so long, i'll have to pray to Heavenly Father and just put it in His hands in order to fully move on...

taking one step at a time....all i can do is give my best :)

the ultimate gift of love and sacrifice

i was finally baptized on saturday and confirmed on sunday as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!!!

i have had 3 missionaries who played a major role in getting me where i am today. Elder Corneilison from Idaho, Elder Henrie from Utah, and Elder Cardenaz from Reading, California. all 3 are amazing young men and very valuable assets to the church.

saturday was so amazing. i was so nervous right up until the bishopric member dismissed everyone to go into the font room, and had the Elder and i leave first so we could get ready. i went back and forth about whether to wear my ear plugs that I have to have, which I finally did. Then i saw the Elder start to go down into the water, and this incredible wave of peace just washed over me, and stepped in. the water relaxed me even more it was so warm, and perfect. before they pulled back the curtain door, Elder Henrie and i quickly went over the hands and knees drill, and he just kinda patted/rubbed my shoulder and said he was so proud of me and not to be nervous, which meant the world to me. next thing i know i heard the clicking of the curtain door being pulled back, so i closed my eyes, he raised his hand, and started calling out my name. by then i had entered a peaceful zone but yet heard every word of his voice. when he brought his hand to my shoulder and started to lean me back, i bent my knees and didn't close my eyes until my head hit the water, as i wanted to take everything that i could in all at once. i almost didn't want to come out of the font. as i stepped out of the font, i felt so heavy from the water dripping off, but at the same time i felt light as air. i kept peeking back around the door's corner to look at the font again before i changed. then again as soon as i was dressed, i looked back in, and all the water was gone and the light was turned off :( i wanted to touch it one more time....i also didn't want to let go of my wet dress, or put it back in their rack. i wanted to take it home with me and keep it for the rest of my life! maybe one day i'll learn how to sew, make a nice one that's the same size, and exchange it :P

Friday, June 19, 2009

time to get ready

i'm starting to get nervous about tomorrow....i'm starting to try and pack everything up, and i feel like i'm forgetting something. i have to leave earlier than i originally intended because i forgot to ask someone if they could bring cookies and punch. i'm going to try and burn two youtubes i'm using during the service tomorrow onto a CDR to see if it works. if not, then i'll have to leave even earlier so i can pick-up a DVDR and pop it in my computer to it can burn on my way to the church.....

so much has gone wrong the past couple of days. first, my second speaker on the Holy Ghost never even bothered to email me back with even a simple yes. then, the person who was supposed to give the opening prayer had his father-in-law pass away yesterday, which is nothing he can control. then i see that i don't have any blank DVDs...i just wanted everything to go well and off without a hitch.

but, there's not much i can do now the night before except to get u early and just pray for the best...wish me luck!!! pictures will be up tomorrow!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

website of the week -!

every week i'm going to choose one website and highlight it as my website of the week. it can be anything from my new favorite blog, a website i frequent, or a trich-related page, whatever my mood may be!

this week's spotlight will be on a forum that i visit MORE than i do my facebook! it's called and it's absolutely amazing. it was established and is ran by the More Good Foundation, who are dedicated to helping members of any and all religious faiths find ACCURATE and TRUTHFUL information about the Mormon faith. everyone and anyone is welcome to stop by, have a great time/relax, and feel free to discuss Mormonism in a positive environment, as well as their own religions. there are a wide variety of forums, and here's a few just to give you a taste of what we have to offer: Current Events, How Do I Do..? (how to do certain things around the site, such as adding pictures and music to your profile for example), Taste of Cultures, Sports, and Family History. a couple of my favorite threads or topics, are located in the General Discussion forum. both are game themed, such as where someone gives a song and their artist, and then the next person who replies has to find another song by anyone that starts with the last word of the previous song. sooo much fun!!!!!!!

the people there at are great as well, and i couldn't ask for a better group of online friends, especially going through this time as a new convert and getting ready for my baptism this Saturday (!!!). everyone is generally laid back and a bunch of fun to talk to. the staff and moderators put in so much work behind the scenes to help the site run the way it does, like a well oiled machine, and it's beyond amazing.

i go to and actively participate not only because of all the fun, but also because it does help dispel some of the common misconceptions people may have about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, at the same time while being a common ground for people all over the earth to share their love and faith in Jesus Christ.

so! go there, you'll love it. if you do, be sure to add eternalpromise516 as a friend (hint hint: me!)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

rain or sun, make up your mind!

the weather has been beautiful today. as i'm sitting here writing this, the dining room window is open and there's a wonderful breeze blowing through the curtains, i feel rather spoiled :D

at the same time i'm working on gluing the ribbons to the invite/announcement cards i printed out last night for my baptism this saturday. i'm joining the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. sunday morning i will be officially confirmed a member of the church. i'm sooo excited!! i know without a doubt that this is the right thing for me, and i've never been happier. plus, anything giving me a reason to be crafty and creative is fine with me :P especially as it helps me to take my mind off anything i may be worrying about. once the final product presents itself, i'll be sure to take a picture and post it here for all of you to admire haha.

i have to leave in about 2 hours for a community band rehearsal. it's a lot of fun, especially seeing all the people representing different communities and a variety of ages. we have a concert next wednesday evening, and we're playing a lot of great music...such things like a My Fair Lady themed work, West Side Story, Oliver, and some more traditional band music. should be cool, keeping my fingers crossed that everything goes well.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

An Introduction

Hey everyone :)

Welcome to my blog. My name is Laura, and I'm a college student here in Ohio, majoring in Music Education. I'm also a new convert to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Besides that, I also like to cook. I'll be blogging mostly on my day to day life, but also about the Church and anything else that suits my fancy!

So!...sit back, relax, and enjoy your time here.