Thursday, June 17, 2010

this is life

i've been faced with a couple of big challenges and trials lately in my life, from my car to financial worries, and even a situation at Church.

but i realized today, that no matter what happens, as long as i keep leaning on and using the Atonement of Jesus Christ and do my best to endure to the end, things will work out just fine. i just have to keep going and not give up when i'm feeling lazy or afraid to do something. i will be blessed for all the trials i have to go through.

and this made me realize something else: life is good :)

1 comment:

Zaniac said...

Life is good. Though we always forget due to obstructions. Like if you have an irksome person on your tail, or you're struggling. It can feel suckish. I read a wonderful book last week, and it made me appreciate life a lot better, considering the plot was about:

A girl who dies and goes to a place called Elsewhere, and is troubled by it because she misses her old, (living) life, and wants to go back to it.

Well, great blog!
